Monday, September 27, 2010


reports : straight A's :D happy lehh!

HOLIDAYS!!! this holiday i promised myself not to go out that much, maximum 3 times :) make a difference.

my plan for first week of FREEDOM!

today - woke up at 12.30 :) niceee. woke up, bro cooked lunch :) then this :)
tomos - harbour town shopping :) movies maybe? OH and EYETEST! getting new glasses :) yayayayy!! 8) *sick of contacts!
wed - work :/
thurs - home
friday - home then church.
weekends - work :'(

gambadeh to all the PMR-ians :D i am truly impressed and amazed how people still go on facebook when they have a week left. BLAHS! neways, u guys will get strait A's :D
and im an OHS member :):) u literally do nothing and get to eat yumms stuffs :9
omgeeee cant wait till i get my new glasses,oneBIG fullframe, and one small fullframe x) i'll look more like a nerd now LOL O-O

question of the week! :
if you could be an animal, what would you be and why? :)
*answer in cbox*
my answer : piglet! cos they sleep and eat :) *don think of how they get slaughter and die* and they're cute. piglet for a pet when i grow up! DEFFO! :D

helen, me, yunsi
yunsi looks like an anime character :)

earplugs in :)

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